
How to prepare for the GRE? Analytical Writing Sample Essay 19


TOPIC: Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

This issue raises the controversial issue of whether someone should be an expert in the same field in order to evaluate a work in that field. Indisputably, people who don’t have expertise in a field can be helpful when evaluating a work that requires certain expertise, however, a wise judgment of the work only can come from an expert in that field.

Experts given a place in every professional setting to give their judgement. First of all, when an author submits an article draft to a journal with the hope to get it published, journal committee, although expert in certain fields, give the job to evaluate the worth of the draft experts in specific field that the draft article written in. Maybe the journal committee also could give a meaningful feedback on the work, however, in order to produce a fair judgment, the committee should let the experts in that specific field evaluate the work. For example, if the draft is on gravity principle in international law, every professional who has little expertise in gravity principle in criminal law can give a judgment. However, their judgment is likely to be flawed because when it comes to gravity principle in international law, different rules applies, therefore, the outcome is very likely to be different. As in this case, the worry is not just that the judgment would not reflect every possible outcome if given by non-experts, it could be the very wrong outcome.

Besides, although the president of the United States has the authority to give the final word on every issue that his admission oversees, he should be advised by experts to give an informed judgment. For example, even though he thinks that climate change is not happening and any investment in science research how to prevent it is a waste of time and money, it is likely that his judgment has little value. This subject matter requires a judgment from experts. This same logic applies to military operations that he has the authority to give a final world on. Although he has his own understanding of running a military operation does not mean that he should get advice from experts who have field experience. His judgment is likely to be wrong if it does not reflect the realities of engaging in military operations which is something, he has no experience or expertise on. Instead, before he makes a judgment, he should listen to generals, lawyers, academics, historians who are experts in this specific field.

In addition, making a valuable judgment also depends on expertise in science. When a tech company decides to hire an engineer to lead one of their projects, there are several steps that a candidate goes through. Although he first engages with a hiring manager who has no expertise in engineering, he has to go through technical interviews with current project engineers where his knowledge in engineering is tested. A hiring manager can give judgment based on his communication skills which she has expertise, however, she is unlikely able to evaluate the candidate’s engineering skills.

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